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phobos, the valley

15 April 2000 _ 20h19m44 EDT
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~ i go home at 5h30am and try not to weep as i set my alarm for 7h30am, knowing that i will have a painful lack of sleep before i have to get up and drive to the freaking valley. i lay on the couch and cover my face to keep phobos from harassing me, and i am asleep in minutes…for a little more than an hour. at this point, the freaking dwp [w] shows up and starts annihilating the street immediately in front of my living room. why would anyone find it to be appropriate to tear into the street with jackhammers at seven in the morning, especially as they know that they could be costing someone, like me, 25% of his night’s sleep?

~ why do they have to compound the noise by doing it on the same day that the garbage trucks arrive?

~ why, after waking up an hour early, am i still 30 minutes late to my class in the freaking valley?

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