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worse than queer

28 November 2000 _ 14h02m02 EDT
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~ enough high school drama for a week:

instead our attention is turned to the release of action! 4, the fantastic photobooth project
from icki of sty! zine [w]. the book is far more
fascinating than i could have imagined, full of stories of which you only see a slice and are left desperate to complete or construct. this is by far one of the finest of icki’s productions yet, and i am not saying this because the angry red planet had the honor of designing the cover or because of the freaking amazing 1967 spider-man board game which icki has graciously donated to our spider-man museum!
you now are encouraged to stop what you are doing and put $3 in an envelope addressed to:
p.o.box 11906

berkeley, california


before you seal the envelope, add 2 (maybe 3) more dollars for a copy of slander 7, the latest bomb set by mimi n. [w] the fuse is lit while lulling you with hints of what it is to be in love with icki,
before atomizing every piece of your private (to sexual) and public (to imperial) environment, demanding that you reconstitute them with an understanding of the sources of the cultural framework in which you quietly reside. in a fun way, though.

these powerhouses are two separate zines, of course, but as they share a p.o.box, i don’t think they would mind saving the envelopes or the stamps. if they do, have them take it up with us!

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