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holiday in georgia

29 December 2000 _ 11h58m07 EDT
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~ the angry red planet is wrapping up a cold and rainy week in georgia by catching colds and fevers. much holiday junk food was devoured, many comics were researched and archived, and several gore vidal tomes were reviewed. despite the suffering caused by ice and wind, the imminent return to los angeles and to the work is the closest thing to mind and farthest thing from desire.


post thesis

21 December 2000 _ 15h49m58 EDT
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~ the days have been less than certain at the angry red planet since the final thesis review. the energy from the office and its environs have been sapped by the departure of many for the ‘holidays’; problems of a technological sort have been plaguing our hardware. we intended to work diligently through ‘the break’ to remedy the situation, and to report on all case scenarios, be they thesis, los angeles, or georgia…


why not shoot a president?

19 December 2000 _ 11h58m47 EDT
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~ ‘…but a president…well, i mean, why not shoot a president?’ -english bob, ‘unforgiven’


14:40, in bay 4

16 December 2000 _ 10h47m13 EDT
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~ final thesis reviews are today; these quotes come from through the night and this morning. they reek of desperate and frustrated individuals; though not all are thesis students, you can decide who has the biggest ‘problems’ in life. the angry red planet presentation is at 14:40, in bay 4.


~ thesis quote: ‘i seriously need to stay here and work’


~ thesis quote: ‘fuck it all, fuck all this shit to fucking hell’


~ thesis quote: ‘i got out of vietnam in ’69, and i’ve been collecting these cans and bottle since.’


federal executions

15 December 2000 _ 00h00m09 EDT
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~ feeling my best was never good enough:
here is something nice to do without leaving the comfort of your computer: click here send a fax to president bill clinton, demanding clemency for u.s. political prisoner leonard peltier [w]


~ as long as you are in the mood for faxing president clinton, click here to demand a moratorium on federal executions. you may oppose the racist system that dispenses them or you may detest their archaic barbarism – take your pick!


~ thesis quote: ‘what’s all this meat doing all over the floor?’


cold bean medley

14 December 2000 _ 01h42m35 EDT
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~ unspoken thesis quote: ‘cold bean medley and tepid stewed cauliflower tastes like pain’


the best i can do

12 December 2000 _ 23h44m15 EDT
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~ this quote is from a skin designer, not from the thesis trailer, but it sums up my feelings towards my ‘work’: ‘the best i can do. i tried all my best and this is what i can do. if you hate this just do not use it.’


thesis presentation

11 December 2000 _ 17h45m22 EDT
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~ only four working days – or 96 hours – remain until the final thesis reviews. since no one seems to have informed him about the midreviews, if anyone who sees michael speaks should tell him that they begin at 09:30 in the space above the shop. he can find a map on the side of the thesis trailer; tell him to ask chris seals which are the thesis trailers.


~ thesis quote: ‘i don’t see why i should even bother putting together a presentation.’


f, truck food

10 December 2000 _ 21h42m34 EDT
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~ see the handiwork of the angry red planet at the sci-arc online student journal, f* [w].


~ thesis quote: ‘i like the food from the truck, but i just can’t keep that stuff down.’



9 December 2000 _ 12h33m50 EDT
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~ a new feature(?) at the angry red planet: daily(?) sci-arc thesis quotes. this feature(?) should continue until thesis presentations in january, or for about 3 days…


~ (not) today’s quote: ‘yeah, dinner just has a way of capping off the evening.’
