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cash, daredevil

2 February 2001 _ 23h44m02 EDT
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~ ‘…wasn’t bad, so i had one more for dessert…’

~ comics, ink: ‘i see the daredevil annual is out!’
 the angry red planet: ‘it’s a regular issue isn’t it?’
 c,i: ‘i know…i was joking that daredevil only came out three times last year.’

 t.a.r.p.: ‘and two of these were the same story…’
 c,i: ‘uh-huh’
 t.a.r.p.: ‘well, i guess i save this money this way.’

~ …and, we get to smirk at the sight of a quesada cover dated ‘1999’ on the march 2001 issue of daredevil. even the codeless kazys.net gets out more regularly than the man without fear.

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