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the road to linux, retread

27 February 2001 _ 17h23m53 EDT
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~ the road to linux* has been retread. while searching the planet hard drive for errors, we figured we’d make use of its monitor to try another attempt at a usable linux configuration on angry. back in january, when we swapped out the hard drive in planet, we temporarily stored some files on angry. in order to do this quickly, we had reinstalled windows 95 on a partition. now, we reformatted and fdisk’ed angry, and ran another redhat 6.2 installation. we found they same monitor problems as always during the set-up; we thought a ‘server’ installation might be fun, but this apparent occurs with no gui, so instead of the previous fragmented window, we find the first few letters of text appearing on the right of the screen. before the rest appear on the left.

*’the road to linux’ copyrighted rasterweb [w]

~ this would be a lifetime easier if each machine had its own dedicated display…

~ red, of course is doing – whatever it does – as fine as it can.

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