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purpose driven planet

30 March 2001 _ 00h09m35 EDT
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~ from time to time, the angry red planet receives criticism from those who find our log to be impersonal and, perhaps, inhuman. is our mission to entertain the masses by converting our internal machinations into a consumable quip, fit only for a patch or, if we are lucky, a freaking t-shirt? this isn’t diaryland; you’ll find nothing resembling the musings of a tortured 16-year old here… the rinds and cores that we throw, daily visions and invasions, are here for you to compile and interpret; nothing has been processed and righteously spilled out. so, sometimes you get to read about linux failures for three weeks; sometimes you get to hear about the man who forced us to examine his collapsing set of teeth at the ward plaza sav-on. however, you can trust us on this: you could not begin to plumb the depths of our frustration in the final hours of life in los angeles

~ you can also trust on this: we will never see ‘spy kids’. never.

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