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mies bacardi offices

9 July 2001 _ 00h35m12 EDT
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~ from aim:
   xxxxxxx: ‘i dreamed that we had stopped talking, and i had to read your website. you had written that you were looking for someone. i think you were looking for me.’
   terra cimmeria: ‘please refrain from mentioning our website to us.’

a dot

~ to undermine any self-confidence in our own work, the angry red planet visited the whitney museum’s ‘mies in america’ show. we were a little disappointed in the negligence of the curators with respect to the bacardi offices in mexico city; that is to say, they neglect to mention it. more disturbing, however, are the digital models of i.t.t. which render the brick infill as a running bond, when, in the actual event, an english bond is used. visitors to the show should be wary of the likelihood of two eventualities: ramming the ‘h-column’ hanging in the i.i.t. room, and leaving with the feeling of the futility of their actions against those of the master.

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