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united states allied with taliban

10 October 2001 _ 18h03m09 EDT
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~ the northern alliance is claiming that 40 commanders and 1,200 fighters have defected from the taliban. just last week, these ‘defectors’ were defending a regime that has systematically destroyed human rights and sponsors a network of terrorists. have they suddenly had an epiphany, awakening to the error of their ways? or are they just running to the side that currently is not being pounded by the united states air force and navy?

if the northern alliance can cozy up to the fanatics who defended that breed of scum so quickly, how can they be expected to be cool when it is time to construct a new system of ordering society?

if the northern alliance wants to topple the taliban, more power to them; that makes more sense to me than having the u.s. or russia meddling – since i doubt either of these powers seem like they would work strongly for the ‘establishment’ of anarcho-syndicalism [w]. but if they are going to turn out to be as big of a group of assholes to the afghan people, as rawa [w] seems to indicate, i would rather they didn’t do it with the help of u.s. funding, troops, and training. i know that the u.s. needs to team up with some local forces in order to facilitate operations and to ensure the safety of u.s. soldiers, but it would be a whole lot cooler if the northern alliance is not just intent on making a deal of trading osama and some of his cronies in exchange for u.s. support of their own military regime.

~ remember: fight war, not wars…

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