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pissants posing in front of world trade center ruins

30 December 2001 _ 17h44m09 EDT
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~ the new viewing platform is open for pissants who need to gawk at the wreckage of the world trade center; it is doubtlessly wide enough to enable all of them to pose for photographs in front of the wreckage, and certainly there is a booth for “my parents went to the smoldering ruins of the world trade center and all i got was this lousy t-shirt” t-shirts. we wish that all of the people coming here to enjoy the ruins – who will go back to their offices and garages and lounges and regale their coworkers with the highlight of their trip having been seeing a corpse pulled from the debris – would stay home and entertain themselves by looking at train wrecks and freeway pile-ups and rotten.com; actually, we wish they would all be involved in train wrecks and freeway pile-ups…and be featured on rotten.

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