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police perspective

26 July 2002 _ 16h35m45 EDT
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~ mailbag: “you at the angry red planet need to look at it from the perspective of the police. they probably get caught up in the chase and probably can’t help but resort to a primal state when they catch someone.”

that’s the best we can expect from the police? those who are considered our ‘finest’ are unable to resist regressing to some ‘primal’ state? the very last people who should be in armed gangs are the ones who don’t have any control over their emotions; these people are supposed to be the ones who guard the tenets of our organized society. we don’t declare that there should not be police, just that there should perhaps be some sort of standards for who is chosen and maybe some training for the job. we don’t think that it is too much to demand that they be someone other than cretins who only take the job to gain power over the other thugs in their hood or because they are too old for the high school football team. besides, for someone who is in a ‘primal’ state, they somehow seem to maintain the presence of mind to put someone in handcuffs and get five of their cronies to back them up before they start punching them again.

~ the neighbors fail to disappoint on 110th street: “no white boy need to hold the door for me.”

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