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late work

28 July 2002 _ 21h43m12 EDT
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~ we have been doing more around here than griping about cops:

we recently completed the primary stage of a project in collaboration with from the ground [w]. we shall perhaps present the results of this work on this site, but we believe it is more appropriate to first await the appearance of the publication to which it was submitted.

we are recycling into a naive attempt at mass production the husk of an old horse that had been abandoned between a piss-stained mattress and a charred red chest in an alley a west los angeles.

we have used the past two weeks to add one (1) page to the novel.

~ the new ‘hellboy’ series ‘the third wish’ is the reason we suffer through months of hackneyed tedium. it is by far the best comic work since, well, mignola’s last book.

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