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detroit metropolitan airport

6 January 2003 _ 07h38m09 EDT
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~ our holidays were extended a few days past new year’s day; we spent the extra time on the new jersey turnpike, in corporate movie theaters, and watching paramedics haul away our neighbor’s body. it was not only for us that the first week of the new year was filled with excitement, if one can judge from the stains of vomit on the sidewalk and the four civilians killed by the nypd.


~ concerning our work-trip to clichy and neighboring paris: not surprisingly, we cooked up few physical artifacts to present as evidence for the formidable amount of work we accomplished. apart from two (2) pages of ‘notes’, compiled in the jardin du luxembourg, and a fifteen (15) entry ‘outline’, drafted in wayne county’s detroit metropolitan airport, there is little to differentiate this trip from that which many would call a ‘vacation’.


~ we suspect that the new image series, “g.i.joe frontline”, is either for children or is just childish.

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