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the work.group

15 February 2004 _ 11h28m53 EDT
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~ those interested in our most recent work should take a look at the latest addition to the work.group project.

a dot

we would like a new server; anyone with extra hardware that they would like to donate should get in touch.

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'Carol' responds:

Hi Ashley,

I checked your website today to see how and where you are in the world and saw your most recent work for the “work.group project”. How did you manage to capture so much of our modern world in a few textural images, collages and words? Someone asked me today “what can an architect do that the average person can’t”, and I really didn’t know how to answer it. I ended up uneloquently trying to say in my southern accented, broken English, that an architect can take an idea in his or her brain and represent it visually to others. I feel that your work really says so much visually. Anyway, I hope you are doing well in Atlanta and write if you have time.

Take care,

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