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howard dean lament

24 March 2004 _ 10h53m47 EDT
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~ we’ve pointed out a few times that howard dean is no dennis kucinich [w], but watching dean stand there and advise us all to turn over to john kerry was enough to cause us to drop our heads and avert our eyes, lest our stomachs be turned instead. it’s one thing to be practical and to avoid showing any lack of division before the competition, but it is no less disheartening to see someone who held some of your respect eating his words and acting like a company mule. the democrats are apparently asking ‘deaniacs’ to sign a pledge of loyalty to the party, promising that they will routinely devote their support to whoever becomes the nominee, which reminds me of the childish notes we used to sign that promised we would have the front seat on the next car ride – when we were children. meanwhile, ralph nader [w] does not seem to be on any ballots yet.

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