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trend search engine, hassoun, let freedom reign

30 June 2004 _ 13h34m10 EDT
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~ here is a million dollar idea for google or some capable programmers out there: let us have a site that scans every piece of reporting and journalism and editorial in order to track the increased appearance of certain words, namely words that appear in over 10,000 articles each month after not appearing in a total ten articles over the past five years. here are some to get you started: vetted, parsed, wonk.

a dot

~ from cnn:

“Shortly after his disappearance, Hassoun’s family was notified he was missing, but there was no public announcement, the Pentagon official said, because the military did not want to signal insurgents that a Marine might be out in the countryside unprotected.”

…or the military was hoping that he already had been killed quietly and anonymously somewhere, so that he wouldn’t show up on television with a bunch of insurgents behind him who are threatening to cut off his head, thereby presenting the american public with more unpleasantries on the eve of the ‘reign’ of freedom in iraq.

a dot

~ few things could interest us less than the prospect of a televised trial for saddam hussein. watching a rerun of the 1978 superbowl would probably have a bigger surprise of an ending.

a dot

~ we are mystified by that ‘let freedom reign!’ tag that gwb left on condi rice’s note. is he deliberately being cynical, or is he truly that naive? does he believe that americans have been duped into thinking that there is participatory democracy in iraq, or are his handlers still letting gwb believe it himself? strange!

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