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14 August 2004 _ 23h45m28 EDT
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~ it took us awhile to become a part of the fallout from six apart’s licensing change, but we have finally migrated from movable type [w] to wordpress [w]. we should already have been on wordpress, as it is open source, which excites us, and it is more compliant with our preferred browser. but we were hedging our bets to see what movabletype 3.1 might have to offer. however, there is a new feature for the angry red planet which we have been cooking up – a sort of open ended scene report – and we would like to move on it. we thought that it would be best to make the switch in publishing systems before adding a new feature, as opposed to adding the feature first, raising the possibility of having two things to screw up in the inevitable move.

we are aware that most of y’all don’t care about the behind the scenes work, as we rarely talk about the page and we resist any mingling with the blogging community. however, because of the structural changes, some of the content is now inaccessible, and we fell that an explanation is owed. for example, for the time being, the pre-2003 log entries are not linked. some of you may remember our tirades against codeless fucks like kazys and alex lin who were signing up to blogger and greymatter in 2000; as a result of this quest for purity, most of our log entries are tied up in static pages. should we maintain them, as evidence of a scheme designed in the halcyon days passed in los angeles, or try to enter the data into the wordpress system, which would result in a loss of format but would allow searching.

as previously mentioned, we avoid the blogging community, but as we found it was a minor ordeal to migrate the archives to the new system, we reckon we should make an outline of the particular requirements we had to meet, in case they might prove useful to the next group of movabletype dropouts. the tasks themselves were simple, but having to visit several sites for each step proved tedious.

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