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fuck cnn

15 October 2004 _ 17h39m50 EDT
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~ cnn.com wants to know what internet users have to say to “Do you think sexual preference is a choice?“. does cnn understand tautology? more to the point, do they know that the word ‘preference’ implies a choice being made? if not, then they must also find that gays ‘prefer’ to eat food and ‘prefer’ to breathe clean air. a question about choice is useful is drawing out the president’s prejudice, but in the abstract, this question is a stupid one.
the question is not stupid because ignorant people at cnn and across america do not understand why some people are different than they are; it is stupid because its construction both reveals the opinions of the questioner and directs a certain answer from the listener. why doesn’t cnn ask “are most blacks are uneducated because they are poor, or poor because they are uneducated?” that is about as sensitive and sensible as ‘is preference a choice?’.
we have read the news quite a bit, and we have spoken to a number of our fellow americans; not one of them has the politics of anyone’s sexuality foremost in his or her mind as we approach what many consider to be an election of paramount importance. where does cnn find the notion that americans are frozen in their thoughts until they discover the foundation for the sexual desires and emotions of heteros and homos?
clearly they are trying to milk a few more days out of the kerry/cheney family controversy, in order to futher the meme that kerry is ‘not a good man’, but we don’t think the underlying reason for this controversy is worth a tinker’s damn. getting sidetracked by this bullshit is exactly what the republicans, who want poor and uneducated people to put aside their economic concerns and rely on bigotry to decide their vote. congratulations cnn, on your steadfast position as a political tool.

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'observer' responds:

Wow… I agree with you there… I used to think that quote unquote gay people chose to be that way… but then I realized that no one choses to love in a manner that society looks down upon. But at the same time, I feel that people do choose to either act on how they feel, or deny their feelings. You know? But as far as how you feel, that’s not really a choice. And I agree with the brutality of the statement regarding african americans, because that’s how it feels when I hear people say that “gays choose to be that way… or guys choose to want to be with other guys” You’re right… I guess everyone just “chooses” to eat and breathe as well.

'Poopman Joe' responds:

Fuck all you fucking gay fuckers! You will fucking burn in hell for butt fucking men in the fucked up ass hole fuckers! Fuck you, you Fucking GAY fucks! Your stench permeates the air like fucking fucked up butt sex, you mother fuckers. You Fucked up sons of Fucked up Fuckers how I spit on your kind and want to puke On your Gay-osity! Fuck all Y’all!!

'CJ' responds:

Joe Poopman demonstrates an excellent demonstration of vocabulary – NOT! Can he not at least try to communicate his views without having to swear in every sentence – I don’t think so. This goes to show what an ignorant, uneducated individual he is. Go and get a dictionary and learn some new words! Plus, the world would be a much better place without so much vehment aggresive attitudes. Does he really think that gay people would care about his views, I don’t think so, and I don’t think that the vast majority of heterosexual people would either.
Go back to the dark stone
from which beneath you krept!

'Raina' responds:

Given that his name is ‘joe poopman’… the sentiment or language probably shouldn’t come as much of a surprise…

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