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philadelphia experiment part two

31 December 2004 _ 13h41m15 EDT
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~ for those of you who have figured out that the previous post indicates that the angry red planet has left behind us the sultry clime of atlanta, you may be curious as to the whereabouts of our new operations. we have established a tenuous foothold in the city of philadelphia, pennsylvania.

a dot

~ Hats off to Maxtor for their design of hard drives which, once dented by Amtrak baggage handlers, are able to have their function restored by Stanley pliers and Victorinox blades. If the USPS is able to deliver the final package, which contains the face plate to our work station, to our new offices, we can start the history of philadelphia project.

a dot

~ our year end donation from the meager post baroque [w] earnings, also serving as a holiday gift, have caused some consideration on our part, as our intentions for local support were called into question by the late out pouring of contributions to international humanitarian organizations in the wake of the tsunami attacks. However, new reports such as “…Tons of supplies were backlogged in Indonesia, with thousands of boxes filled with drinking water, crackers, blankets and other basic necessities piled high in an airplane hangar…” coupled with our general bias against the bias towards people, we returned to our original intention of Paws Atlanta.

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