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indictment, bush, mars, jefferson expansion memorial

28 October 2005 _ 12h48m58 EDT
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~ indictment for only one administration official is pretty lame, especially if the guy is only known for being indicted. again, bush tries to divert attention from the indictments (and ongoing investigation of karl rove’s crimes) by moving mars closer to earth.

a dot

~ happy 40th birthday to Jefferson National Expansion Memorial!

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'john' responds:

any pix of the memorial lobby/hash den?

'ashley' responds:

check back on the 50th birthday.

'john' responds:

have you gotten the check from graham yet?

'ashley' responds:

who sent off the application? i figured the check would arrive at msme; maybe stu took it?

maybe not:

Publication: The Security Environment: Terrorism & Architecture

'jt' responds:

i wonder who on the roster of sciarc opportunists is piecing together such drivel.

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