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john mcain is still a bastard

2 August 2007 _ 13h37m33 EDT
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~ i still think that john mcain is a bastard, but journalists’ late efforts to make him look like a loser due to his broke and failing presidential campaign actually make him look like less of one (bastard):

“Now, the Arizona senator and Vietnam War hero travels without staff or with a single aide and rarely with national media crews. Last week, he arrived in Manchester, N.H., on a commercial flight. He carried his own bags through the airport and his top two aides in the state drove him to his hotel.”

wow! he carried his own bags! what a sap!

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'j' responds:

i assume his ‘aides’ there were drug dealers or pimps as they seem to be in all the other states. at this point he should realize that he could best serve his country by showing up for work in dc for a few more months before he loses that election as well.

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