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best of aughties

22 December 2009 _ 19h49m02 EDT
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are you shitting us! seriously the best thing you’ve seen in the past 10 years is jennifer anniston aniston? what was the best meal you ate, kraft singles on wonder bread whilst watering your azaleas? it’s garbage like ‘people’ that causes us to take comfort in melting ice caps drowning us all. brad pitt is ‘better’ for his work in new orleans alone, but since your rag only covers entertainment fluff, here is the best of mainstream, mostly american culture of the past decade:


‘alias’ (not the tv series)
‘the argument’
‘the assassination of richard nixon’
‘brokeback mountain’
‘children of men’
‘daredevil’ – bendis/maleev run
‘in bruges’
‘in rainbows’
‘the life pursuit’
‘lost in translation’
‘new x-men’ – grant morrison run
‘no country..’ (film) or ‘o, brother..’ we can’t decide
‘there will be blood’
‘the wrestler’
‘y: the last man’

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