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Sexy Colombian Hookers, Cocaine, and Linkbait

18 April 2012 _ 14h20m46 EDT
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Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, …. said she raised the following questions at the briefing:

” 1. Who were these women? Could they have been members of groups hostile to the United States? Could they have planted bugs, disabled weapons, or in any others jeopardized security of the president or our country?


That’s the first question — who the women are? We may not buy into that every Jezebel that we don’t click, but the angry red planet recognizes slut shaming when we read it. We don’t really care if people, even Secret Service agents, hire prostitutes, legally or otherwise, but if it is so important to you or your ‘country’s image’, the first question would be ‘do these guys have nothing better to do this week?’ or ‘can they have their orgies after the president’s visit is over?’

“…the U.S. military had investigators in Colombia interviewing the women who were brought to the hotel by the Americans.

U.S. Representative Peter King said on Tuesday the investigators had not found that the women were involved in the drug trade or organized crime.”

Yes, because women involved can’t just be regular working girls, they have to be part of some evil conspiracy. If anyone is an asshole here, it is the agent(s) who refused to pay after being ‘serviced’. Douchebags. By the end of this, we imagine the Secret Service agents will be portrayed as the real victims, seduced and trapped against their wills by wily Cartagenera vixens.

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