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from the ground

4 March 2000 _ 18h34m55 EDT
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~ okay, after a search throughout the sci-arc network, including the machine caches of valiumgrey [w] and john [w], all the log files have been restored.


the archives

4 March 2000 _ 09h08m05 EDT
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~ always test web pages on your hard drive before you upload the files; i just freaking lost last week’s archive. i still have the pictures; i can put them back to give a visual sense of the infernal conditions of this city.


~ dammit.


xerox debt

3 March 2000 _ 08h56m25 EDT
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~ it is not my fault that there are no left turn signals in this city, causing only one car to turn left each light cycle – after the light has become red – so when i scream and shout profanities at the cars in front of me, why does a busload of school girls quietly appear and laugh at me for 10 minutes without my knowing? it’s not my fault…

~ david gypsy breier’s ‘xerox debt‘ now has a very text-ridden web page.


the angry red bike

1 March 2000 _ 23h19m24 EDT
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~ there aren’t enough hours in the day….i fall asleep at my desk at 7am, then somehow wake up in my car at 10.30am, which is an hour-and-a-half after i need to be downtown. is anything more demoralizing than realizing at your first waking moment that you will be spending the rest of the day in an urgent rush to catch up, only being able to put out a fire the moment the next one gets out of control?

~ yesterday was the portfolio submittal date for the $300 in scholarships which sci-arc offers each year; though no amount of money will help, at least i found evidence that the angry red bike did once exist. if anyone has any information as to its current whereabouts, contact the angry red planet.

~ lynne javaturtle has a new – to me, anyway – website.
