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listening to buck owens

10 September 2000 _ 17h27m21 EDT
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~ the staff of the angry red planet shunned the bitter los angeles autumn, and spent the weekend indoors, listening to buck owens and making some minor changes to angryredplanet.org. dozens of operations still need to be performed before the site is acceptable, but everything should operated to some degree of success. feel free to email any complaints or errors about the site our way.



8 September 2000 _ 15h20m47 EDT
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~ frustration is paying $16,000 a year to attend a graduate school that you can’t enter because they don’t have a certificate of occupancy. to the folks on the east coast who are looking for graduate schools, you won’t find one at sci-arc.



7 September 2000 _ 17h10m46 EDT
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~ what use is a stealth fighter that can be picked up by a united airlines ‘on-board collision avoidance system’? [cnn.com] perhaps the next ‘state of concern’ that the u.s. goes after can hire some of the troubled united workers, since they seem to have no problems finding the f-117 ‘stealth’ fighter on radar…

~ quote of the day: ‘[being strip searched by american airlines]…intensified our vigilance and hatred towards the united states.’
-li hyong choi, the north korean ambassador to the united nations.

that’s all it takes? what about the over $1 billion in delinquent dues that the united states owes to the united nations?


green voices

6 September 2000 _ 22h22m13 EDT
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~ when we are not suffering in the sweltering heat of downtown l.a. or chasing the neighborhood kids from the grounds of our wild rabbit refuge, we are working on a postcard and poster for woodbury university.


~ labor day was monday. there is no excuse for comic book delivery to be postponed until thursday for a holiday that was 48 hours ago…


major league asshole

4 September 2000 _ 18h11m16 EDT
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~ there’s george dubya bush, major league asshole from texas…wait, is this thing on?…[av.com]


nader debate

2 September 2000 _ 09h34m39 EDT
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~ if you are interested in hearing from more than just two possibilities debate over their usefulness as the next president of the united states, then you can add to the choices by signing the petition to get ralph nader [w] into the debates here.
