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i’ve been working on my thesis all day

6 January 2001 _ 20h00m57 EDT
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~ while the angry red planet continues to fail to deliver news on a timely schedule, check out the following articles…


gore vidal, composer of burr, has penned a rather angry article, ‘democratic vistas‘, for the nation. he addresses the u.s. presidential election debacle which some readers may remember hearing about last november.


also, freaking sony has unveiled some details concerning the new spider-man film; these details can be seen at hollywood.com. i don’t know if i can stand another movie adaptation of a comic book that must start at the beginning of the series; if there is a civilian out there who does not know that peter parker’s complacency led to his uncle’s death and the subsequent drive of spider-man‘s heroism, then he or she does not belong at the theater with the fans. we got enough of the questions about telepathy vs. telekinesis from the new x-men ‘fans’; i don’t look forward to a future of questions of the likes: ‘so spider-man used to be venom?’


~ thesis quote: ‘i’ve been working on my thesis all day


do you find it frustrating that all your moves are arbitrary?

4 January 2001 _ 20h04m36 EDT
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~ thesis quote: ‘do you find it frustrating that all your moves are arbitrary?’


titan, radiator, archives

1 January 2001 _ 17h32m13 EDT
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~ updates have been coming slowly. it is not that there is lack of abundance of events, but rather, they have come with such senses-shattering mediocrity that we at the angry red planet are reeling – slowly, but reeling – in their wake. life since the ‘holidays’ has been not dreary, but hazy. the east coast weather vengefully laid waste to the immune system of our entire staff, which have grown as lazy as our socal dress code. after a foray through the chilling rural and urban south, we took a flight on delta which did not include the pure vegetarian meals which we had ordered weeks in advance. there was not a 40gb titan hard disk waiting at our offices, despite our hardware supplier’s promises; bitter calls to them revealed that it is on back order, and could not have been shipped, as they had stated it had been earlier. fighting the cold for a few more days left us fumbling through the thesis work – into which no progress has been made – so that when our radiator hose burst on manchester boulevard at 9.30am, we stopped for a few moments to debate about the futility vs. profit of breaking into gasping sobs on the side of the road. instead, we opted for taking the machine to a garage, and we placed our bets…


~ december log has been added to the others in the archive.
