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philadelphia, seitanic

16 February 2001 _ 00h34m19 EDT
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~ we hope that everyone – even canadians – enjoyed valentine’s day as much as the angry red planet; we spent the first half of the day at the preuss station post office, and second half coughing through another los angeles sunset alone…

~ everyone can stop emailing us about philadelphia now, thanks.

~ ‘i’m sorry i’m not cool enough to make your links page…’ [w]


planned parenthood v-day

14 February 2001 _ 18h21m21 EDT
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~ happy valentine’s day!…how to celebrate:

Presidents’ Day is coming up on February 19. In honor of our current
President, please make a donation (however small) to a pro-choice
organization, like Planned Parenthood. Then send a card to Bush saying:
“President Bush, a donation has been made in your name to Planned

Here are some pro-choice organizations you can donate to. If there’s a
local chapter, please donate to that chapter. Remember that your
contributions are tax-deductible.

Planned Parenthood [w]
National Abortion Federation [w]
(click “Contributions”)

National Abortion Rights Action League [w]

(click the “Support NARAL” button)

Republicans for Choice [w]
(click the “Join Us” button)

And send your card to President Bush at:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500



12 February 2001 _ 21h59m10 EDT
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~ this is merely a temporary installation, you can be sure…we were almost ready for a full makeover; but the rainy weekend in los angeles has kept us outside, away from the work. a few more cross-browsers issues, and we’ll be underway…

~ if you live in philadelphia, get in touch



10 February 2001 _ 14h36m37 EDT
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~ today is v-day! celebrate by visiting v-day [w] and equality now[w], and donate to them the money that you would have otherwise wasted on ‘hannibal’, starbucks, or captain morgan….(c/o oli)


tomorrow is v-day

9 February 2001 _ 16h03m57 EDT
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~ tomorrow is v-day!…[w]


mac classic

9 February 2001 _ 00h09m13 EDT
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~ ‘that burning keeps me alive…’

~ the work, part one: a trip to the local computer shop for a monitor for our linux machine ended in failure; the cheapest model – at $20 – was twice our budget. we compromised and instead purchased a macintosh, and returned it to the angry red offices, to compliment our pentium environment. to our surprise, we inadvertently picked up the macintosh se with 2 800k drives, instead of one of the remotely useful editions with one floppy drive and one hard disk. he have managed to find a few versions of mac os which will operate on one floppy; the latest with which we have had success is 6.0, which unfortunately does not support mosaic or netscape. so, even if there were a modem or a nic, we would be unable to access the web. the next step, then, is to acquire an external 20mb or 40mb scsi hard drive, and get os 7.0 or higher running. after this, we can throw an ethernet card up in there, network the se with the preuss workgroup, and start downloading macpaint. hardware donators, feel free to get in touch.


this is not a weblog

7 February 2001 _ 10h00m19 EDT
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~ well, after berating other folks for letting their ‘blog’ atrophy, we neglect to update our news for five days. however, this lack of communication is no indication of lack of ‘the work’. on the contrary, there is plenty being ‘cooked up’ in the background; a full accounting will be available soon…

~ (this is not a weblog)


cash, daredevil

2 February 2001 _ 23h44m02 EDT
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~ ‘…wasn’t bad, so i had one more for dessert…’

~ comics, ink: ‘i see the daredevil annual is out!’
 the angry red planet: ‘it’s a regular issue isn’t it?’
 c,i: ‘i know…i was joking that daredevil only came out three times last year.’

 t.a.r.p.: ‘and two of these were the same story…’
 c,i: ‘uh-huh’
 t.a.r.p.: ‘well, i guess i save this money this way.’

~ …and, we get to smirk at the sight of a quesada cover dated ‘1999’ on the march 2001 issue of daredevil. even the codeless kazys.net gets out more regularly than the man without fear.


willie, ashcroft

1 February 2001 _ 13h15m15 EDT
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~ ‘the last thing i needed first thing this morning…’

~ would be to have a bigoted, homophobic son of a bitch confirmed as attorney general; however, cnn [w] reports this is precisely what happened. it really becomes tiresome to endure a government who insists on degrading the quality of your nation….
