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28 February 2002 _ 19h59m12 EDT
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national ID card

12 February 2002 _ 23h14m37 EDT
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TO: ACLU Action Network Members
DT: February 12, 2002

In response to September 11th, many have started talking about creating
a national ID system as a counter-terrorism measure. In fact, the
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators is already urging
the federal government to create a national ID system by linking state
drivers licenses and state databases.

Unfortunately, just like the use of Social Security numbers evolved far
beyond its original purpose, a national ID card is likely to lead to a
surveillance society where our movements are monitored and recorded
through the use of “internal passports.”

A national ID card would not prevent terrorism, and in fact, would lure
us into a false sense of security by enabling individuals with an ID —
who may in fact be terrorists — to avoid heightened security measures.
The creation of a national ID would be a misplaced “quick fix” that
would pose serious threats to our freedom and privacy.

Take Action! You can read more and send a FREE FAX to your Members of
Congress, urging them to oppose the motor vehicle administrators’
proposal from our action alert at:
