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bullshit thanksgiving 2002

28 November 2002 _ 10h17m48 EDT
related content:

~ ‘i don’t celebrate bullshit thanksgiving.’

-ice motherfucking t


miss world riots

26 November 2002 _ 08h46m12 EDT
related content:

~ “Nigerian leader blames media for Miss World riots” (CNN)

the angry red planet blames the people who, with the complete mental faculties of adult humans, made the individual decisions to walk out of their homes and bludgeon people to death for the miss world riots.


laptop donation

24 November 2002 _ 21h21m09 EDT
related content: ,

~ the hordes of readers who writhe in frustration at every visit to this log should be informed of the ease of increasing the frequency with which the log is updated were they to donate a laptop to the angry red planet.



15 November 2002 _ 08h35m15 EDT
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~ hmmmm- hmmmm – hmmmm – hmmmm – hmmmm – hmmmm – hmmmm – hmmmm – hmmmm – hmmmm – hmmmm – hmmmm-!


vonnegut’s birthday?

11 November 2002 _ 07h58m16 EDT
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~ happy veteran’s day.

