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reloaded site sections

27 October 2003 _ 10h54m43 EDT
related content:

~ reloaded the zines and folio sections, along with a couple of ‘private’ sections; if you are one of the folks who frequent them, you will know to which pages we are referring. we have also tinkered with the contact form to a point were it satisfies us, not that the viewer would notice; the point in saying this is that you, the reader, should realize the ease with which you can entertain us with your commentary.

a dot

~ also available are the past 3+ years of logs, accessible from the drop down menu below.


reloaded dingbat scene report

26 October 2003 _ 13h16m37 EDT
related content:

~ reloaded the dingbat scene report.


reloaded site sections

25 October 2003 _ 20h43m09 EDT
related content:

~ reloaded some sections: thesis, folio, and the usa scene report. now all the googlers who are arriving at the site can find the texts about lofts in l.a. and ricola factories for which they were looking.


amazing spider-man 500

22 October 2003 _ 19h23m03 EDT
related content:

~ congratulations to the amazing spider-man for his 500th issue.


leaving pair networks

21 October 2003 _ 23h03m53 EDT
related content:

~ after four great years of being hosted by pair networks, the angry red planet is moving to a new host. we are in the process of moving our files and adding one or two new items for our readers’ enjoyment.

