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trader joe’s, kaffa crossing, cafe intermezzo

25 April 2005 _ 14h42m54 EDT
related content: ,

~ to whomever sent us the link regarding tj’s opening in new york city; we congratulate and welcome you into the 21st century, but you might note that we have relocated to philadelphia.

a dot

~ usa today has also joined the 21st century, or is reprinting headlines from 1977?

”Star Wars’ goes utterly commercial’

a dot

~ kaffa quote: ‘i think a.d.d. is a sort of fake problem. i mean, all children need attention’

a dot

~ imezzo quote: ‘…or that fucking douche bag – that fucking german girl or whatever the fuck…’


the late the work.group exhibition

20 April 2005 _ 16h20m23 EDT
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Greetings mesdames and messieurs, twinks and taurs,

The first book, ‘marquis’, of the work.group epic _ex_nihilo_ has been closed. For those who were unable or unwilling to attend the show at the Museum of Design Atlanta in person, the work.group has put together a virtual romp where the text and vignettes follow the same temporal order as the work in the the MODA installation.

The virtual show may be found at:
In addition, the work.group has compiled and made public a series of digital images of the installation process, the work in situ, and the fête d’ouverture.

These images may be found at:

Enjoy, furries


philadelphia craigslist

9 April 2005 _ 09h44m47 EDT
related content: ,

~ http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/bik/67700888.html

a dot

portrait of a field trip

‘rip: 08.2003.atl-04.2005.phl’

