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r.i.p. mike wieringo

22 August 2007 _ 12h04m58 EDT
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~ r.i.p. mike wieringo

wieringo is the nicest guy we ever have ‘met’ at a convention. whereas many comic idols are rockstars about their work, charging cash for sketches or refusing to sign books outside of specified ‘autograph hours’, we came across wieringo sitting alone at a table at dragon*con, politely sketching anything requested – the flash, robin, wonder woman – by an enormous line of fanboys. for us, he sketched out a spider-man mugshot, natch.

(no, this is not the sketch; this is from the cover to ‘sensational’ #10)


john mcain is still a bastard

2 August 2007 _ 13h37m33 EDT
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~ i still think that john mcain is a bastard, but journalists’ late efforts to make him look like a loser due to his broke and failing presidential campaign actually make him look like less of one (bastard):

“Now, the Arizona senator and Vietnam War hero travels without staff or with a single aide and rarely with national media crews. Last week, he arrived in Manchester, N.H., on a commercial flight. He carried his own bags through the airport and his top two aides in the state drove him to his hotel.”

wow! he carried his own bags! what a sap!

