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bruce springsteen

26 January 2001 _ 21h14m13 EDT
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~ ‘feeling my best was never good enough…’


~ 19 more hours


alkaline trio

25 January 2001 _ 19h30m27 EDT
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~ ‘after i’m through singing this song, i’ll forget about you…’


~ 45 more hours


oppose ashcroft

24 January 2001 _ 09h59m21 EDT
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~ thesis is already hard enough for some of us. do we really need the extra worry that a homophobic conferderate apologist is going to take the position of u.s. attorney general? oppose ashcroft: [w]


~ thesis quote: ‘i think it’s a mistake, but it’s your work.’


don henley

23 January 2001 _ 18h06m10 EDT
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~ this is already hard enough for some of us. do we need to have feeble dogs sniffing our bags, sing alongs with don henley, scooters on the trailer floor, and cell phone calls shouted into the public atmosphere? i don’t see how this helps.


~ today’s quotes were not pulled from the background banter; they were all directed to our attention!

~ thesis diversion quote: ‘you don’t not piss because you think the toilets are dirty.’

~ thesis environmental quote: ‘you are the first person who has not been sympathetic.’

~ thesis tangential quote: ‘i don’t want to die soon.’


fuck roger clinton

20 January 2001 _ 10h05m58 EDT
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~ so clinton’s last hours are spent nobly pardoning his drug-peddling brother roger, while ignoring political prisoner leonard peltier [w]… what a jackass.


~ inauguration quote: ‘blonde, shoot this piece of shit, will ya?’ -joe cabot, ‘reservoir dogs’


subordinate fucks

17 January 2001 _ 10h06m35 EDT
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~ even more depressing and enraging than the possibility of church+state john ashcroft becoming u.s. attorney general, are the statistics on the ‘death row roll call’ at the nation. when, of the 688 to-date executions in the u.s. occurring since the 1976 reinstatement, 240 have been in one state – texas – something is royally (?) fucked up. make the ‘roll call’ site a weekly visit, and click the names to drop a message to the respective state governors demanding that the executions are stayed – or abolished, as in first world nations.


~ quasi thesis quote: ‘only subordinate fucks shave before thesis presentation.’


grimm, thesis

16 January 2001 _ 10h19m22 EDT
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~ site update: despite the dwindling of our hopes of completing any work remotely related to a graduate architectural thesis, we managed to find the time to restore the angry red playlist, which has unfortunately been offline since the reinstallation of our hard disks.


~ are we to infer from the last 2 pages of the latest fantastic four that benjamin j. grimm now has the ability to consciously mutate his physical form from ‘human’ to ‘fantastic’ and back again? the thing’s nobility is derived from his ability to overcome the angst and self-loathing that his monstrous form makes him suffer. if he can revert at will to his – equally hideous – human form, he might be able finally to get his sex on with alicia masters, but he will lose his edge in the good fight. now he’ll never be able to take down the hulk.


~ quasi thesis quote: ‘you seem lonely, and alienated, but you also say a lot of things that lead me to believe you don’t want/need people in your life’


chicken bowl

12 January 2001 _ 12h56m18 EDT
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~ thesis quote: ‘i’m not going to spend 30 minutes waiting in the middle of thesis and not get my chicken bowl.’


law of diminishing returns

10 January 2001 _ 11h30m10 EDT
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~ a rainy day and night in los angeles revitalizes the senses, enabling the first productive work session in weeks. after 14 hours of working, about 5 hours of work has been produced; truly, a new plateau of efficiency has been reached.


~ thesis quote: ‘i shouldn’t even bother putting together a presentation’

~ thesis quote: ‘i’ve got the teeth of an eight-year-old.’

~ thesis quote: ‘vladimir is officially a prick.’


do you find it frustrating that all your moves are arbitrary?

4 January 2001 _ 20h04m36 EDT
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~ thesis quote: ‘do you find it frustrating that all your moves are arbitrary?’
