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ahmad chalabi is a preppie asshole

20 May 2004 _ 12h20m18 EDT
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~ granted, we agree that it is wrong for the u.s. to be swaggering around iraq, even though we own the place, body-searching anyone in the street and storming into little kids’ bedrooms in the middle of the night to check for weapons, but who doesn’t at least smirk when seeing Ahmad Chalabi fuming because he is being treated like everyone else? with so much going badly to all the wrong people in iraq, let us at least cheer ourselves with thoughts of chalabi watching helplessly a silver urn of duck sauce is toppled onto a silk rug while a rolex is shattered under the butt of an m4. “that’s a five hundred dollar camel’s hair coat!!”

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'john' responds:

thanks for bringing back the random image cache!

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