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ahmed chalabi is still a preppie asshole

9 November 2005 _ 19h52m50 EDT
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~ ahmed chalabi: an ‘urban myth’ is perpetuated when someone tells you that a spider bit his camp counselor in her sleep, and that six weeks later the sore left by the bite burst open and hundreds of baby spiders crawled out. un-urban myth is not when ‘ahmed chalabi provides false information regarding wmd to the united states‘ or ‘ahmed chalabi commits currency exchange fraud‘ or ‘ahmed chalabi is a counterfeiter‘ or ‘ahmed chalabi gives united states’ secrets to iran‘.

also, ahmed chalabi is still a preppie asshole.

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'j' responds:

are we to presume that you pronounce ‘urban’ as ‘yurban’?

'john' responds:

what about ‘frozen hotdog thaws in chalabi’s rectum, breaks off.’

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