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dinosaurs, frankenstein

13 June 2000 _ 06h54m46 EDT
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~ i never go to the beach in los angeles. i don’t think that i have been there once this year, except maybe to try to steal a poster from a phonebooth. when i have out-of-town guests, like i did this weekend, however, i have to entertain them with trips to the ocean. as my wretched body is not conditioned for the sunshine, though, the sun quickly wreaked havoc upon my skin. my legs in particular are too freaking sunburned to be moved. the best i can do is wobble like frankenstein’s monster and yell for my roommate to bring me coffee and tortillas and salsa verde. maybe that’s not so bad…


~ i finally got to see ‘dinosaur’, but it wasn’t quite what i expected. it was pretty soft; there weren’t any gory battles, no one got killed, and there was this crazy love story. worse, there were ‘monkeys’ running around the place. i think that it may be a movie that is more for kids…

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