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red line thugs

26 June 2000 _ 00h10m44 EDT
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~ in celebration of the grand opening of a few stops on its ‘red line’, the los angeles m.t.a. was gracious enough to let the citizens ride the red line for free. the angry red planet was there, ready to document every stop. after the first two stops, however, the frustration of being pushed around by the m.t.a. staff who assume that only imbeciles would show up for the train rides was enough to turn us away from the metro. i wonder what they expect people to do in the future, when they are not there to ‘help’ people exit the train or walk up the steps.

a dot

~ either the folks in the neighborhood are getting an early start on the fourth of july festivities, or a gang war has erupted. for the past three days, pistol shots have rung in the distance about every half hour. while the small arms fire is of little immediate concern, the shotguns which are now being fired in the street by the angry red offices are becoming unnerving. all the freaking cops must still be busy keeping people from breaking in line at the metro stops, though, for the ghetto birds have not been watching the scene.

a dot

~ red line.

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