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presidents’ day, abortion

19 February 2001 _ 09h52m30 EDT
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~ we hope that you are enjoying president’s day; ‘surfing the interwebnet’ and abusing the dying napster [w] in honor of the fallen presidents of the past, and, perhaps, the immediate future. while you are out there, please visit aclu.org [w] and drop a line to your congressperson and let him or her know that you would rather they not try to restrict access to the safe and private option of abortion offered by ‘mifepristone’, and known popularly as ‘ru-486’. afterwards, to fully make president’s day into a choice day – since we didn’t have a choice about the current president – you can visit one of the sites mentioned in this week’s ‘project‘ to demonstrate your support to both them and to president bush. the second president bush.

~ due to some recent rearrangement of our pages, a visitor may occasionally arrive at an ‘404 error’ page’. if has been the case, and you think that the error has been on our end – a broken link at the angry red planet as opposed to a typo on your keyboard(!) – please do not be shy; you are welcome to inform us. if you do, we will happily send some free samples, dripping with our gratitude!

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