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rawa kicks laura bush’s ass

29 November 2001 _ 19h17m35 EDT
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~ disturbing: uprising suppressed vs. prisoners massacred. we know those northern alliance tools like to shoot an unarmed person on the slightest pretense. on the other hand, fighting these taliban & co. guys must be like fighting zombies: “holdouts hiding among the dead shot two workers from the local health ministry”. no matter how you handle or destroy them, when you turn around, they are there to hypnotize you and eat your brains.


~ disgusting: hillary clinton vying with laura bush over the ‘plight of the afghan woman’ spotlight. it would have been more helpful for many woman if hillary had spoken up five years ago, or at least mentioned her deep concerns to her husband. in any evet, if there is a path to glory, the ladies at rawa [w] will be far ahead of both of you.

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