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iraqi flag

28 April 2004 _ 16h47m59 EDT
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~ to the iraqis who are whining about the top-down approach for determining your nation’s flag and wondering if your ‘council’ has nothing better to do: there is a democracy in the state of georgia, and – when they are through trying to prevent two men from getting married – the gov’t there finds time to churn out a new flag almost every two years. so, if wasteful activities of a deafened assembly are hallmarks of democracy, then you are closer than we all might think.

to the iraqis who are whining about the design: the two stripes for your rivers are much more clever than the stripes on the recently served georgian flag, which don’t mean anything but that the designer had seen them on another flag. on the other hand, we don’t think it was too clever to base the rest of the iraqi flag on religion, separatists, and the israeli model.

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