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Ohio, Texas not ideal Clinton firewalls

22 February 2008 _ 15h48m11 EDT
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~ we can’t wait until the texas presidential primary is finished, and the only reason is not just to stop hearing from hillary ‘she voted for the war’ clinton until 2012. what annoys us more than that charlatan is the repeated use of the term ‘firewall’ to describe states that some candidate has to win in order to continue campaigning. we heard it first about new hampshire, but we only found it mildly irritating in the sense that it did not sound nearly as ‘plugged in’ as the person who coined it might believe; we also believed that the phrase would never be uttered again, once hillary ‘nafta was a good idea’ clinton was trounced in new hampshire. however, clinton cried on tv and won enough sympathy votes to carry on. now that every time hillary ‘defense of marriage act’ clinton loses a primary, the next set of primaries become the new set of states that she ‘must win’, ‘firewall’ does not die a ‘quiet death’; it has maintained ‘staying power’ as this season’s ‘must have’ turn of phrase for every npr reporter and politico-blogger. ‘firewall’ is this ‘cycle’s‘ ‘parse‘.


Word of the Day for Friday, February 15, 2008

15 February 2008 _ 08h56m31 EDT
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~ they got that right:

Word of the Day for Friday, February 15, 2008

ennui \on-WEE\, noun



happy valentine’s day 2008

14 February 2008 _ 23h05m10 EDT
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~ happy valentine’s day.

the angry red planet - daily image


earth balance

10 February 2008 _ 11h33m03 EDT
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~ though we consume mostly soy garden; we would like to congratulate earth balance on the redesign of their packaging. we have spent untold hours in the kitchen grousing on the principle which seems to govern decent foods: the ‘healthier’ the food, the more confusing and off-putting the packaging – which provokes people to eat more disgusting but more attractively packaged food. now that its container no longer resembles something you would pour into an automobile engine, less people will be eating trans fats. our hats are doffed to earth balance!

the angry red planet



8 February 2008 _ 12h05m46 EDT
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Having accepted the Fun-A-Day challenge thrown down by Philadelphia”s Artclash Collective, the work.group [w] has passed the month of January 2008 executing the design of 31 houses – a house a day. Having succeeded heroically in this task, the work.group hereby issues an urgent summons to witness its triumph at the presentation of “house-a-day” as part of the 4th annual Fun-A-Day exhibition.

Fun-A-Day 4
7 to 11pm
February 16, 2008

4522 Baltimore Avenue
West Philadelphia

see house-a-day progress at: www.sisyphean.com/31houses

