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don’t ask me about my work

10 April 2000 _ 11h34m31 EDT
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~ for those who relish the intensity of the lifestyle, as though architecture school will bring you to the brink of existence, you should appreciate the ordeals of the past 24 hours: i was a participant in a minor car accident which deposited a number of swallows of very fresh coffee onto my face, neck, chest, and stomach; i managed to pick up pneumonia, though the temperature is in the 70’s in los angeles; my car had its third flat tire in a year, so, being too exhausted to change the tire at 4am, i slept in the parking lot. i don’t feel such intensity.

~ for those who feel the need to respond to something in this freaking log, the place to do it is here; the place is not my at desk, or in the classroom, or in the computer lab, or in the hallway, or especially during my lunch, when i am covered with iced tea and salsa verde.

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